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5 - To Izu

1: The Okatana Called Namu Yakushi Kagemitsu#

Mirja: ...Thank you very much, Aoto Youji-san. Not only for letting us stay the night tonight, but also inspecting our okatana free of charge.
Youji: I said not to worry about it. It's the least I can do for helping me out at the busiest time of the year.
Youji: Oh yeah, and you can just call me Youji-san. Though come to think of it, you use the full names of your friends too, don't you?
Mirja: It's not my role to get close to them.
Mirja: Role? Just doing your duty, huh. Well, all things in moderation I guess. But still, call me Youji-san. Or Youji's good.
Mirja: Yo...... I can't. I'll stick with Aoto Youji-san.
Youji: Haha, whatever works.
Mirja: ...Leaving that aside, there's something I'd like to ask you. Have you heard rumors of an okatana called "Namu Yakushi Kagemitsu"?
Youji: Mm... If I remember right... The inscription was, "Namu Yakushi Rurikou Nyorai Bizen no Kuni Osafunejyuu Kagemitsu"
Youji: Back in the Sengoku period... Takeda Shingen offered that okatana to the Sengen Taisha at Mt. Fuji. The Edo period was tumultuous though, and it's said to have been unaccounted for ever since.
Mirja: For you to know that much already... I shouldn't be surprised.
Mirja: Then, have you ever heard of any replicas being forged?


There's an extra line in here explaining away any confusion since utsushi both means replica and it's a toji technique, but I'm not about to try naturally working that into English.

Youji: Sorry, I know that a replica was made but that's all. Anyway, if the real thing does turn up I'd love to go pay my respects to it.
Youji: ...And that's all she asked me. That girl's all business; a real piece of work.
Chie: I see... Namu Yakushi Kagemitsu. Thanks for sharing that with me, Youji-san. But why is Kitora-san interested in that specific okatana...
Youji: I've got no clue either... Anyway! Why're you acting like a stranger? If you were coming, you shoulda said something, Chie-chan.
Youji: I didn't even hear a word about it from little miss Sana or old man FineMan. You could have given me a little warning so I could tidy the place up, you know?
Chie: Sorry, but I didn't plan on coming here in the first place.
Youji: Ow, right in the heart.
Chie: Kitora-san and Kiyoka-chan insisted we come here. I tried to stop them, but...
Chie: It really was a coincidence. If anything, it'd be best for us to avoid contact altogether. Otherwise, people might get suspicious of our connections.
Youji: Connections, huh... You're right, but, get this. I just got a message from that little miss Sana. She said to give it to you.
Sana: Two of our agents are currently on standby in Izu. I get the feeling they might have a run in with the elite guard, so I'd like for you to head over there and support them as best you can.
Sana: You'll have to convince the rest of the investigation team, but if Youji tells them "A bundle of Akabane swords were recovered from the shores of Izu" then they should come with you.
Sana: We've got something prepared for the ones already over there, so don't worry.
Youji: And that's all.
Chie: My president's always a real slave driver.
Youji: You said it. Well, it's getting late. You and the others rest up here for now.

2: Together With Nene (1)#

Kiyoka: This is amazing. The windows are so big, and the scenery is so pretty! Taking a regular train to Izu was a good choice.
Mihono: The line was called "something View", after all. Now that I think about it, Izu and Ise are pretty similar, aren't they? Like, they both have trains that go by the seaside, and they both start with I, and they're both peninsulas.
Kiyoka: "something View"... But you're right. I wonder why that is?
Mihono: Do you know, Kofuki-san?
Kofuki: Huh? I don't care!
Mirja: Still, leads seem to be easier to find than I thought. Thankfully, Aoto-kan's owner could provide us with that information about Izu.
Mirja: Just what you'd expect from a direct partner of the Origami family and the Five Traditions. Business isn't all he's good at managing.
Chie: Y-Yeah, right. Aoto-kan sure is something, huh...
Chie: (I can't let them know this actually came from my school's president...)
train screeches to a halt Chie: What was that!?
Mirja: An emergency stop!? My spectrum finder... It's picking up aradama!?
Mirja: (This is too much to be a coincidence. The day before yesterday in Harajuku, and now this... Twice in such a short span of time... And, if what Asakura Mihono says is true, not long before that in Kamakura as well.)
Mirja: (Either way, for the same team to engage aradama two or three times in such a short period is nearly unbelievable... There must be a reason behind it...)
Chie: Kitora-san?
Mirja: ...That's right, I need to be giving orders now. Setouchi Chie-san, keep the passengers safe with Musumi Kiyoka! Shichinosato Kofuki, Asakura Mihono, the three of us will begin exterminating the aradama!

....Meanwhile, in a different train car.

Ellen: Oh! What happened!!!? It can't be aradama, can it?
Kaoru: That's what it looks like.
Kaoru: Let's go, Nene. Time for us to shine.
Nene: Ne-!

3: Together With Nene (2)#

Mihono: Ellen-san, and Kaoru-san too! Thanks for the assist! You were a big help!
Ellen: Oh! Mihono-san from Minoseki! It's been a few days!
Kaoru: ...Who?
Ellen: Minoseki's Mihomiho-san? We fought with her the other day in Kamakura. Don't you remember?
Nene: Ne-?
Mihono: M-Mihomiho...?
Kaoru: Like I can remember every... Oi, Nene, get back here. Why're you bugging her?
Ellen: Kaoru! Don't yank him by the tail! I feel so bad for him.
Mihono: Eh? What was that, an aradama!?
Kaoru: Stupid Nene... That's why I said not to come out. This little guy's Nene. He's an aradama, but he's basically my family's guardian spirit.
muffled nene noises
Mirja: The Mashiko family guardian spirit... I've heard of this before.
Mirja: (Aradama are said to attract aradama... So in this case, it's highly likely Nene was the one who drew them here. That may be all there is to it.)
Ellen: Nene is a holy beast! Though, saying that... It's probably best if we don't get back on the train now that he's out.
Ellen: Which means we're walking the rest of the way! Where we're headed is close enough to go on foot.

4: Walking and Wondering (1)#

Mirja: Following the road like this, our destination shouldn't take more than half a day to reach...
Mihono: But what a coincidence! I didn't think we'd both be headed the same way.
Ellen: Yes! Very very coincidental, huh!
Mihono: By the way, I've been meaning to ask but, from the way you talk, were you raised overseas or something?
Ellen: Hm! Why were you looking at my chest when you asked that? This is just my grandpa's influence! I love my grandpa very very much!
Mihono: Me too! I have an awesome grandpa!
Kiyoka: Pant... Pant... Everyone's, going so fast...
Kofuki: Seriously, you're tired already? Why'd you even tag along?
Chie: Shichonosato-san? You don't have to be so rude. Are you alright, Kiyoka-chan?
Kiyoka: Yes, it's just... The shoes I bought in Harajuku don't seem to fit right.
Chie: They're probably just not broken in yet. You should try putting on your old shoes.
Kiyoka: You're right; it's a good thing I didn't get rid of them at Aoto-kan. Thanks for your advice back then, Chie-san.
Chie: It's hard getting used to new shoes, isn't it? Here, I carried them for you.
Kiyoka: ...! I'll change right away!
Kofuki: ......What? What are you?
Chie: Me? I'm everyone's onee-san, I suppose.
Kofuki: ......Tch, the hell's that even mean.
aradama appears Mirja: ...Investigation team! Form up!
Ellen: More aradama!
Kaoru: That's the second time today. What's going on?

5: Walking and Wondering (2)#

Ellen: That's strange. That's twice now in just a few days. I'm starting to think there's a trend here.
Kaoru: I head from incident to incident a lot, but it's weird for them to be following me.
Mihono: Eh?
Kiyoka: I never heard anything about all this fighting... President Iroha only said we'd be researching the Akabane swords... I don't like this.
Kofuki: I can't get enough though! I never get to see this much aradama when I'm out!
Mihono: ...Huh? Really?
Mihono: (This sort of thing happens to me at least a few times a year... Is it really just me?)
Mihono: (I guess... I just run into aradama more than usual?)

6: Walking and Wondering (3)#

Chie: The moment you step off the roads in Izu, you end up in the mountains. The sun should be setting soon, so we should stop at the first inn we see.
Ellen: Shh, please stop. There's aradama nearby... And it's not just one or two.
Chie: We're surrounded? What's going on? It doesn't seem like they've noticed us though... Is this where all the aradama we've been seeing have been coming from?
Ellen: It's hard to tell yet. But at least we're lucky there's no one living nearby...
Kofuki: ...You idiots, you got it all wrong.
Ellen: What? What do you mean?
Kofuki: Nothing, just forget it.
Kofuki: whispered So the elite guard brought out their aradama-chan... Heh, I'll take it.
Chie: (Shichinosato-san... She said "elite guard" and "aradama", didn't she? So the elite guard are here...?)
Chie: (No... More importantly, Origami Yukari's elite guard are using the aradama...? Could it really be...)

7: Walking and Wondering (4)#

Yomi: Our targets are caught in the network... I need to let Shidou-san and Konohana-san know... Their coordinates are... Here... And here... I can't get a good reading... Why?
Yomi: Are there not enough aradama... Rather, are they being destroyed...? Then... I'll just have to replenish them...

Yomi drew her okatana and raised it along her left arm. With a swift motion, a wound opened and began to bleed. In dark clumps it sluggishly trickled down.
Completely expressionless, she stared down at the dark substance with a deep red glow in her eyes.
Not long after, the endless black liquid began taking shape, in a form of an aradama mimicking an animal... They slipped into the trees, deep in the dark woods, in search of their prey.

Yomi: Go, my aradama... For her sake, find Etou Kanami and Juujou Hiyori... Hurry, and find them...!

8: Another Encounter with the Elite Guards (1)#

Chie: Listen to me, Ellen-san and Kaoru-san.
Ellen: Yes, what is it?
Chie: This may sound strange, but the elite guard seem to be in the area.
Chie: Am I wrong in thinking it'd be bad if they found you?
Kaoru: Oi. What do you know?
Chie: I'm here on Osafune's "business". President Maniwa Sana gave me instructions to head here and support you... I think that should be enough?
Ellen: I see, I understand. You're one of us then. We won't ask any more questions.
Ellen: We're here on Osafune "business" as well. Our instructions were to test some new recruits.
Ellen: Running into the elite guard at a time like this would be some real trouble. ...Do you think they're after them?
Chie: Yes... Without a doubt, they're after Etou Kanami and Juujou Hiyori. The aradama from before seem to be tools of the elite guard in hunting them down.
Chie: Anyway, we'll distract the elite guard. You two can go take care of your business.
Ellen: Thank you so much. We really owe you one.
Kaoru: ...That'd help.
Mihono: Chii-nee, did something happen with Ellen and Kaoru?
Chie: No, I don't think so. But they said they had to go on ahead. They seemed to be in a real hurry.
Mirja: I see. Then in that case, we should clear this area of aradama to try making their journey easier.
???: Oh... There's five of you? That doesn't match my info...
Mihono: (Someone's voice...? It sounded like... The head of the family's elite guard, Shidou Maki-san... But why would the elite guard be here...?)
Maki: Minoseki's Asakura... So it's not the target after all. Still, good work Yomi. You might not be who we're after, but you'll make a good warmup.
Chie: What are you... Saying?
Maki: It's simple... While hot on the trail of Etou Kanami and Juujou Hiyori, we found you two. The two who interrupted us the other day and let those traitors escape.
Maki: From my perspective, that's more than enough reason to brand you as accomplices of those traitors... Don't you agree, Setouchi Chie and Asakura Mihono?
Chie: ...!
Mihono: Wha- But we weren't...
Maki: My okatana, Hoemaru, has already made up its mind...
Suzuka: Maki-san? Those girls are...
Maki: Don't annoy me, Suzuka. Stay out of this.
Suzuka: Sigh... It's no use stopping you when you're like this. Well, go ahead. I won't hold you back.
Maki: Good, then don't interrupt. On this mountain hunt, our orders aren't to capture, but kill. You came at a good time, so I'll play around with you first.

9: Another Encounter with the Elite Guards (2)#

Mirja: Please stop! There must be some kind of misunderstanding!
Mirja: We're here on president level orders; on a special mission officially assigned by the Five Traditions!
Mirja: Confirm it with the Origami family! No, confirm it with the president of Ayanokouji Martial Arts School! Please contact President Souraku Yuzuki!
Mihono: She's telling the truth! After what happened the other day, as our punishment, we were assigned to this team!
Maki: ...Is that true?
Suzuka: That's what I tried to tell you... What these girls are saying is true. Before we set out, we received word from President Takatsu to allow an investigation team to look into the Akabane swords in this area.
Suzuka: Isn't that right, Shichinosato Kofuki-san?
Kofuki: And that's what we said...
Maki: Fine then. I'm not satisfied yet, but this'll have to do. Now, the five of you are coming with us.
Mihono: ...To where?
Maki: We're short on manpower in this mountain hunt. There's two rats cornered in the area, and we need your help bringing them in. So you're going to do that.

10: The Sword Spoke#

Suzuka: Going over it again, Minoseki's Etou Kanami and Heijou's Juujou Hiyori seem to have fled into these mountains. It's our orders to find and capture those two.
Maki: It's not "seems". Without a doubt, they are here. Isn't that right, Yomi?
Yomi: Mm...
Maki: The operation begins at 1900 hours. Until then, don't go far from this tent.
Maki: And, Kitora Mirja. You come with me. I'll go over the finer details of the operation with you.
Mirja: ...Understood!
Kiyoka: ... ...... I... I don't like these people.
Mihono: Why do we have to take orders from that jerk!?
Mihono: I get that she's talented, but why does she have to be so mean about it!? And she didn't even apologize for almost hurting us! And on top of that, she's a liar.
Chie: Right. When she attacked us, she said they had orders to kill. But Konohana said just now that their orders are to capture them...
Kiyoka: Um... Etou Kanami-san... She's one of your friends, isn't she, Mihono-san?
Mihono: Yeah. Or maybe not friends, but rivals? Or maybe I'm the only one who thinks that. When it comes to strength, she's way way better than me.
Chie: Etou-san did make it to the finals of the tournament the other day.
Mihono: And she's not just strong either.
Mihono: Everyone struggles to keep her in check. She's crazy good with a sword... It's like, her sword... Talks to you, if that makes sense.
Mihono: Like, "What technique can you pull out next?", or "How deep does your skill go?", or "What new heights will you help me reach?"
Mihono: And when you're fighting her, you feel like your own sword's speeding up.
Chie: Until you run out of steam, right, Mihono-chan?
Mihono: Ahaha... You're right... I need to work on that... A-Anyway, that's what makes Kanami so great!
Kiyoka: ......
Kiyoka: But, at this rate, Kanami-san is going to be... They're going to kill her, won't they.
Kiyoka: ...I just don't get it. Why do toji have to fight each other like this? Why do we have to hurt each other?
Kiyoka: Why is everyone, why do they treat it like it's normal... It's scary.
Mihono: Yeah, I agree! An okatana is a tool for taking care of aradama. Not something you should turn on another person like that...
Mihono: You can't call anything about this justice...